To support our continued push for eco-friendly and socially conscious alternatives we have supplemented our line with 100% Fair Trade Natural Rubber and Yukilon® Cosmetic Sponges.
Starting with 100% Certified Fair Trade Natural Rubber, our R&D Team has removed the latex allergen which has been known to cause a reaction in some individuals. This innovation is exciting since Natural Rubber has traditionally been preferred by makeup artists for its excellent performance characteristics.
Sustainable Natural Rubber Cosmetic Sponges are Fair Trade Sourced, Renewable and are Allergy / RIPT Human Patch Tested.
Tecora is our new sustainable cosmetic foam that is 30% plant-based, using castor oil as the main ingredient. It contains our exclusive anti-bac treatment, remains highly durable, and reduces CO2 manufacturing emissions by almost 30%. Tecora can be used as a compact sponge, or even as a sustainable foam for eyeshadow applicators.
Wedge sponges are another category that has traditionally been overlooked in the movement towards increased sustainability in packaging. We now offer a sustainable sponge designed specifically for limited use disposable wedge sponge. Our bio wedge sponges utilize 55% plant-based materials, provide a natural finish for foundation application and can be used wet or dry.
For lip gloss applicators we provide flock made from 100% recycled material and mold the plastic handle from recycled spool material.
The Penthouse Group produces powder puffs for all powder applications, with a wide variety of sustainable fabric materials. Our sustainable material options include Velvety polyester recycled fibers derived from recycled PET bottles, flocked foam made from 100% recycled material and organic cotton fibers that are GOTS Certified.